IRU Graduates

Beroepsvervoercollege BVC – IRU ATI since september 2006

The IRU Academy – launched in 1999 and a priority of the International Road Union ever since – ensures excellence in road transport training through its network of IRU Academy Accredited Training Institutes (ATIs) and provides the graduates with international recognised IRU Academy Diplomas certifying their professional competence.

Beroepsvervoercollege BVC is one of the total 34 CPC ATIs in 30 countries worldwide.

Road professionals trained through the IRU Academy have superior knowledge, skills and international recognition thus enjoying a significant advantage in the road transport market.

Though its new web platform, the IRU Academy provides their graduates with the possibility for increased career advancement and business opportunities, and provides ATIs with further promotion. The IRU Academy also contributes to improved road safety, quality of service and a better image of the road transport profession by strengthening road professionals´ ability to respond effectively to tomorrow's challenges!